How It Works

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Career: Step-by-Step Process

  • Submit your application through our online portal.
  • Provide necessary details such as your name, contact information, and qualifications.
  • Upload your CV and any relevant certifications.
Eligibility Verification
  • Our team reviews your qualifications and credentials.
  • Check for compliance with local regulations and requirements.
  • Ensure you meet the criteria for the desired position.
Recruiter Contact
  • A recruiter will reach out to discuss your application.
  • Provide more details about the job opportunities available.
  • Answer any questions you may have about the process.
Documentation Preparation
  • Gather all necessary documents for your employment.
  • Complete any required forms and paperwork.
  • Submit the documents for verification and processing.
Service Agreement Signature
  • Sign the Service Agreement
Check-In Meeting
  • Attend a meeting with our team to discuss your progress.
  • Address any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Receive guidance on the next steps in the process.
Language Classes/Tests
  • Enroll in language classes to improve your proficiency.
  • Take language proficiency tests to meet job requirements.
  • Practice speaking and understanding the local language.
Job Offer
  • Receive an official job offer from the employer.
  • Review the offer details, including salary and benefits.
  • Decide whether to accept or negotiate the offer.
Final Journey
  • Make travel arrangements for your move to Belgium.
  • Prepare for your relocation and settle any remaining details.
  • Coordinate with our team for a smooth transition.
Job Start
  • Begin your new job in Belgium.
  • Complete any initial training or orientation sessions.
  • Start your career and integrate into your new workplace.

Get to know your Destination: