Qualified Talent Guaranteed

Find the

Best Medical Professionals

in All Areas
Did you know that since 2023 over 20000 people applied with us?

Our Current Profiles:

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We are recruiting nurses, with or without experience, to work in hospitals, home cares or elderly homes.

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We are looking for dentists to work as collaborators in dental practices.

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We are looking for Doctors, with or without experience, in all kinds of specialties combined.

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Dental Business

Interested in investing and owning a business? We got an opportunity for you!

Years of Experience
+ 0
Partner Health Institutions
+ 0
Candidates Under Preparation
+ 0
Service Entries
+ 0
Want to improve your staff quality?

Your institution can rely on us to match the best healthcare professionals with your needs.

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A European Network

We recruit professionals from within europe that are looking for recognition and long-term career opportunities.

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Years of Guaranteed Satisfaction

We stand by the quality of our recruitment services with a commitment to guaranteed satisfaction.

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Powerful Software

Moving People has created a computer system that ensures a high standard of quality, regardless of the country of origin, destination, or type of healthcare institution.

How does it work?

Where do our candidates mainly come from?

Our candidates come from various European countries, particularly those with strong healthcare education systems. Each brings a wealth of experience and cultural adaptability, ready to contribute to healthcare institutions across Belgium and France.

Do you know someone interested in selling a Dental Business?

If you know a dental practice owner looking to sell, we can help. Our extensive network connects sellers with serious buyers interested in established clinics across France. Let us assist with the transition, ensuring a smooth and successful sale.
