Buy your profitable Dental Practice in France with MovingPeople

Benefits of buying with MovingPeople:

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list We select only profitable businesses.

fine line with gradient sepparating various medical job offers

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list You choose the turnover and the region in France.

fine line with gradient sepparating various medical job offers

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list We take care of the rest.

What can you expect from us?

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list Financial Rewards

Anticipate minimum annual earnings of €75,000, allowing you to reap the financial rewards of your dental practice.

fine line with gradient sepparating various medical job offers

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list Lifestyle Benefits

Enjoy a balanced life with 35 working hours per week and a generous two months of holiday each year.

fine line with gradient sepparating various medical job offers

check mark for medical recruitment advantages list Family-Friendly

Relish a robust social system, excellent education for your children, and comprehensive medical coverage.

With over 15 years of expertise, we meticulously select profitable dental businesses, ensuring your success.

If you are interested, please fill out the form below:


    • check mark for medical recruitment advantages list STRONG SOCIAL SYSTEM
    • check mark for medical recruitment advantages list EXCELLENT CHILDREN EDUCATION
    • check mark for medical recruitment advantages list MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE


    ícone de localização que ilustra a visita gratuita oferecida pela Moving People para recrutamento médico


    • Visits on-site to check your future working and living places before taking any decision.
    ícone de um documento que ilustra a ajuda de processamento de documentos oferecida pela Moving People para recrutamento médico


    • Bank loan with French banks.
    • Diploma equivalence, practice authorization, visas.
    • Insurances, taxes and social contributions, registrations.
    ícone de um documento com lista de verificação ilustrando as ofertas de emprego oferecidas pela Moving People para recrutamento médico


    • Access to the official financial documents.
    • Specific selection criteria based on your wishes.
    • Type of act and work done in accordance with your skills.
    ícone de mão, casa e coração ilustrando o suporte de acomodação oferecido pela Moving People para recrutamento médico


    • House rental, local authorities.
    • Info on best local schools, transportation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I need previous professional experience?

    It will be your business, so a minimum of experience will be required to insure a general standing of healthcare to your future patients.

    Do I have to already speak French?

    Not necessarily, we can provide you language courses until you reach the level B2, minimum required level to have your authorization of practice in France.

    What about the bank loan investment?

    We can ensure you 100% bank loan success to cover the cost of your future dental practice. We will negotiate for you the best terms and conditions for your future bank loan with French banks (depending on your actual financial condition in your country of origin).

    I do not know the French regulations, how will I do in the beginning with my patients?

    That’s why we suggest you to continue the collaboration with the dental assistant from the previous owner. She/he will be able to explain you everything in detail and to accompany you for the administrative papers. More over, you will be able to practice with the Dentist-Seller in the beginning and she/he will remain available in the next months to avoid any problems.

    Can I keep my current job during the process?

    Of course. Nothing changes until you decide to sign the preliminary sales agreement with the Dentist-Seller / chosen Dental Practice. The process is set-up to prepare yourself in advance for your final departure.

    If you are interested, please fill out the form below: